General Information

Event name: US-07-008
Nature of the harmful event:
High Phyto concentration
Event directly affected:
Toxicity detected: No
Associated syndrome:
Unexplained toxicity:
Species implicated in toxin transmission (transvector):
Report the outcome of a monitoring programme: No
Event occurred before in this location:
Individuals to contact: RABALAIS, Nancy

Location & Date

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Location: Latitude: , Longitude:
General location information: Terrebonne Bay, Gulf of Mexico, Louisiana
HAB Area code(s): US-17
Additional location information: Cross-shelf research transect SSE of Terrebonne Bay, Louisiana. Transect begins at 29.0567 degrees North 90.5317 degrees West, and ends at 28.7583 degrees North 90.2345 degrees West.
Bloom event dates (yyyy/mm/dd):
Quarantine levels dates (yyyy/mm/dd):
Additional date-related information: Species data below represent cell concentrations of HAB species from surface samples collected during routine sampling for the period January - December 2007 (sampling is monthly) and were not associated with a particular bloom event. Species are reported at 10^5 cells/liter, with the exception of Prorocentrum spp. and Dinophysis spp. which are reported at 10^3, and Alexandrium monilatum and Karenia spp. which are reported when they are detected at any concentration. Cell concentrations were averaged over the number of phytoplankton samples collected on any given date in hte transect to generate an average concentration for a single sample date. Concentration data from samples collected on day trips to service our meters at one station in the transect (C6C) are reported as is.


Causative organism known: No
Causative Species/Genus: Karenia papilionacea (1.27x10^2 cells/L)
Prorocentrum scutellum (1.61x10^3 cells/L)
Heterocapsa rotundata (2.31x10^5 cells/L)
Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (5.34x10^5 cells/L)
Alexandrium monilatum (8x10^1 cells/L)
Karenia brevis (2.4x10^2 cells/L)
Karenia papilionacea (1.87x10^2 cells/L)
Karenia selliformis Haywood et al. 2004 (1.33x10^2 cells/L)
Prorocentrum gracile (2.16x10^3 cells/L)
Prorocentrum minimum (6.8x10^3 cells/L)
Prorocentrum triestinum (3.47x10^3 cells/L)
Prorocentrum compressum (2.29x10^3 cells/L)
Co-Ocurring Species/Genus:
Chlorophyll concentration, if known: µg/l
Additional bloom information: There are many more imputs into this data set for the Causative species/genus listed above. If you would like this information please contact Nancy Rabalais and she should be able to provide this data set.
Event-related bibliography:

Environmental Conditions

Weather: Turbidity (NTU): Wind direction:
Stratified water: Oxygen content (nL/L): Wind velocity:
Temperature (°C): Oxygen saturation %: Current Direction:
Sechhi disk (m): Salinity: Current Velocity: 0
Nutrient information:
Temperature Range During Event: Max: °C, Min: °C
Salinity Range During Event:
Bloom location in the water column:
Growth Comments
Additional Environmental information:

Toxin Assay Information

Species containing the toxin Toxin type Toxin details Max. concentration Assay type
Kit used: Type of kit used:
Additional information:
Economic losses:
Management decision:
Additional harmful effect information: