General Information

Event name: NO-97-001
Country: NORWAY
Nature of the harmful event:
Seafood toxins
Event directly affected:
Toxicity detected: Yes
Associated syndrome: PSP
Unexplained toxicity: No
Species implicated in toxin transmission (transvector):
Report the outcome of a monitoring programme: Yes
Event occurred before in this location: No
Individuals to contact: DAHL, Einar

Location & Date

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Location: Latitude: , Longitude:
General location information: ,
HAB Area code(s): NO-01 NO-02
Additional location information: Two northenmost counties.
Bloom event dates (yyyy/mm/dd):
Quarantine levels dates (yyyy/mm/dd):
Additional date-related information: late august


Causative organism known: No
Causative Species/Genus:
Co-Ocurring Species/Genus:
Chlorophyll concentration, if known: µg/l
Additional bloom information:
Event-related bibliography:

Environmental Conditions

Weather: Turbidity (NTU): Wind direction:
Stratified water: No Oxygen content (nL/L): Wind velocity:
Temperature (°C): Oxygen saturation %: Current Direction:
Sechhi disk (m): Salinity: Current Velocity: 0
Nutrient information:
Temperature Range During Event: Max: °C, Min: °C
Salinity Range During Event:
Bloom location in the water column:
Growth Comments
Additional Environmental information:

Toxin Assay Information

Species containing the toxin Toxin type Toxin details Max. concentration Assay type
Kit used: Type of kit used:
Additional information:
Economic losses:
Management decision:
Additional harmful effect information: Although not very high concentration found, about 800 MU or less, this represent a northward spreading of the risk for PSP in Norway. Now we could not declare any part of our coast or any time of the year for absolutely sale concerning risk of getting PSP
Updated at 04:25 on 2 Dec 2019