General Information

Event name: US-17-029
Nature of the harmful event:
Seafood toxins
Event directly affected:
Toxicity detected: Yes (Approximate range: 187 (May 2) & 202 (May 9) micro-g/100g)
Associated syndrome: PSP
Unexplained toxicity:
Species implicated in toxin transmission (transvector): No reports of PSP in humans
Report the outcome of a monitoring programme: Yes (NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation - Bureau of Shellfisheries)
Event occurred before in this location: Yes
Individuals to contact: Hastback, William

Location & Date

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Location: Latitude: 40.845278, Longitude: -72.572222
General location information: Weesuck Creek, west end of western Shinnecock Bay, Southeastern shoreline of Long Island, NY
HAB Area code(s): US-08
Additional location information: Extent of bloom not determined. Conservative closre of all of western Shinnecock Bay was based on the mouse bioassay results. Shinnecock Bay is a shallow, estuarine lagoon, with an inlet to the ocean near the center of the bay.
Bloom event dates (yyyy/mm/dd):
Quarantine levels dates (yyyy/mm/dd): First detection: 2017-05-02, End: 2017-05-09
Additional date-related information:


Causative organism known: Yes
Causative Species/Genus: Alexandrium fundyense ( cells/L)
No count, low levels
Co-Ocurring Species/Genus: Prorocentrum minimum ( cells/L)
No count, higher level than A. fundyense
Chlorophyll concentration, if known: µg/l
Additional bloom information:
Event-related bibliography:

Environmental Conditions

Weather: Turbidity (NTU): Wind direction:
Stratified water: Oxygen content (nL/L): Wind velocity:
Temperature (°C): Oxygen saturation %: Current Direction:
Sechhi disk (m): Salinity: Current Velocity:
Nutrient information:
Temperature Range During Event: Max: °C, Min: °C
Salinity Range During Event:
Bloom location in the water column:
Growth Comments
Additional Environmental information:

Toxin Assay Information

Species containing the toxin Toxin type Toxin details Max. concentration Assay type
blue mussel Saxitoxins Bioassay-Mouse
Kit used: Type of kit used:
Additional information:
Economic losses:
Management decision: Closure of western Shinnecock Bay from May 4 through June 1, after the toxin levels noted above were detetected in blue mussels that NYSDEC-Shellfisheries hangs in Weesuck Creek in the west end of western Shinnecock Bay. Re-opening based on 3 consecutive
Additional harmful effect information: samples with low levels of saxitoxin, or undetectable levels, using mouse bioassays in samples collected on May 16, May 23 and May 30, 2017.
Created at 04:56 on 24 Apr 2018