NZ-01-018 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2001 |
Whanpage (New Zealand) |
NZ-01-004 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2001 |
Wiritoa (New Zealand) |
NZ-05-002 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2005 |
Hutt River (North Island, New Zealand) |
NZ-98-003 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
1998 |
Waikanae River (North Island, New Zealand) |
NZ-02-002 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2002 |
Waikato River (North Island, New Zealand) |
NZ-99-001 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
1999 |
Mataura River (South Island, New Zealand) |
NZ-08-001 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2008 |
Waitaki River (South Island, New Zealand) |
NI-90-001 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
1990 |
Lake Masaya i Lake Xolotlan (Nicaragua) |
NG-08-001 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2008 |
(Nigeria) |
NG-86-001 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
1986 |
Lake Oguta (Nigeria) |
NG-10-001 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2010 |
Lekki Lagoon (Nigeria) |
NG-09-001 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2009 |
Zaria aquaculture ponds (Nigeria) |
NO-84-001 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
1984 |
Lake Akersvatnet (Norway) |
PK-04-001 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2004 |
Keenkjhar Lake, Thatta (Pakistan) |
PHL-96-022 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
1996 |
Laguna de Bay (Philippines) |
PL-02-001 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2002 |
Baltic Sea, Gulf of Gdansk (Poland) |
PL-06-004 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2006 |
Bnin ́skie (Poland) |
PL-06-005 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2006 |
Bytyn ́skie (Poland) |
PL-03-001 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2003 |
Gulf of Gdansk, Southern Baltic (Poland) |
PL-06-002 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2006 |
Gulf of Gdansk, Southern Baltic (Poland) |