Event name: | FR-93-003 | |
Country: | FRANCE | |
Nature of the harmful event: |
Seafood toxins | |
Event directly affected: |
Toxicity detected: | Yes | |
Associated syndrome: | DSP | |
Unexplained toxicity: | No | |
Species implicated in toxin transmission (transvector): | ||
Report the outcome of a monitoring programme: | Yes | |
Event occurred before in this location: | No | |
Individuals to contact: | CONVENANT, Aliette |
Location: | Latitude: , Longitude: | |
General location information: |
Perros-Guirrec and Lannion-Locquirec., Northern Brittany. HAB Area code(s): FR-05 |
Additional location information: | Perros-Guirrec (site 031) and Lannion-Locquirec (site 032). Area 3. | |
Bloom event dates (yyyy/mm/dd): | ||
Quarantine levels dates (yyyy/mm/dd): | ||
Additional date-related information: | July. |
Causative organism known: | Yes | |
Causative Species/Genus: |
Dinophysis spp.
( cells/L)
Dinophysis sacculus ( cells/L) Dominant |
Co-Ocurring Species/Genus: | ||
Chlorophyll concentration, if known: | µg/l | |
Additional bloom information: | Dominant: Dinophysis cf. sacculus. | |
Event-related bibliography: |
Nutrient information: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Temperature Range During Event: | Max: °C, Min: °C | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Salinity Range During Event: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bloom location in the water column: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Growth: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Growth Comments | No data available. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Additional Environmental information: |
Kit used: No | Type of kit used: | ||||||
Additional information: | |||||||
Economic losses: | |||||||
Management decision: | Ban of shellfish marketing, from July 2 to July 15. | ||||||
Additional harmful effect information: | DSP toxicity above safety level |