Causative organism known:
Causative Species/Genus:
Cerataulina pelagica
( cells/L)
cell concentrations ranged 1-20 x 10(3) cells ml(-1) but usually ranged 1-10 x 10(3) cells ml(-1)
Co-Ocurring Species/Genus:
Skeletonema costatum
( cells/L)
in some places, 1-10 x 10(3) cells ml(-1) Sampling was surface from helicopter; counting by Sedgewick-Rafter strip.
Chlorophyll concentration, if known:
Additional bloom information:
Event-related bibliography:
Turbidity (NTU):
Wind direction:
Stratified water:
Oxygen content (nL/L):
Wind velocity:
Temperature (°C):
Oxygen saturation %:
Current Direction:
Sechhi disk (m):
Current Velocity:
Nutrient information:
Temperature Range During Event:
Max: °C, Min: °C
Salinity Range During Event:
Bloom location in the water column:
In situ
Growth Comments
Bloom initiated in Hudson-Raritan estuary.
Additional Environmental information:
Chlorophyll ranged 3-10 µg l(; Temperature range: inshore, surface 16.7 - 17.0; at 9 mi. from shore
16.6 - 17.0. Salinity, not available. Water column stability: mixed to slightly stratified. DO (at bottom) <3.0 ppm at Long Branch; 1-5 - 4.8 ppm at Seasid