General Information

Event name: NZ-98-001
Nature of the harmful event:
Mass mortalities , Other ( Aerosols)
Event directly affected:
Natural Fish , Shellfish , Humans , Seaweed
Toxicity detected: Yes
Associated syndrome: Aerosolized toxins effects
Unexplained toxicity: No
Species implicated in toxin transmission (transvector): Aerosols
Report the outcome of a monitoring programme: No
Event occurred before in this location: No
Individuals to contact: RHODES Lesley

Location & Date

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Location: Latitude: -41.270556, Longitude: 174.865556
General location information: Wellington Harbour, North Island
HAB Area code(s): NZ-06
Additional location information:
Bloom event dates (yyyy/mm/dd): Start: 1998-02-01, End: 1998-03-30
Quarantine levels dates (yyyy/mm/dd):
Additional date-related information:


Causative organism known: Yes
Causative Species/Genus: Karenia brevisulcata (33 300 000 cells/L)
Co-Ocurring Species/Genus:
Chlorophyll concentration, if known: µg/l
Additional bloom information:
Event-related bibliography: Chang 1999 Phycologia 38: 377-384 Chang FH, Chiswell SM, Uddstrom MJ 2001. Occurrence and distribution of Karenia brevisulcata (Dinophyceae) during the 1998 summer toxic outbreaks on the central east coast of New Zealand. Phycologia 40: 215222.

Environmental Conditions

Weather: Turbidity (NTU): Wind direction:
Stratified water: Oxygen content (nL/L): Wind velocity:
Temperature (°C): Oxygen saturation %: Current Direction:
Sechhi disk (m): Salinity: Current Velocity:
Nutrient information:
Temperature Range During Event: Max: °C, Min: °C
Salinity Range During Event:
Bloom location in the water column:
Growth Comments
Additional Environmental information:

Toxin Assay Information

Species containing the toxin Toxin type Toxin details Max. concentration Assay type
Karenia brevisulcata LC-MS
Kit used: Type of kit used:
Additional information: Toxins were described as brevisulcatic acids and brevisulcenals (Holland et al., 2012, HARALG 13:47-57
Economic losses:
Management decision: Public warnings
Additional harmful effect information: 87 people reported with respiratory distress.
Created at 02:59 on 19 Dec 2017
Updated at 05:16 on 10 Apr 2018