Turbidity (NTU):
Wind direction:
Stratified water:
No |
Oxygen content (nL/L):
Wind velocity:
Temperature (°C):
Oxygen saturation %:
Current Direction:
Sechhi disk (m):
Current Velocity:
Nutrient information:
Temperature Range During Event:
Max: °C, Min: °C
Salinity Range During Event:
Bloom location in the water column:
Growth Comments
Not known, but may be part of a similar bloom in central California.
Additional Environmental information:
Not known, but there are indications that water temperature is higher than usual.
Species containing the toxin
Toxin type
Toxin details
Max. concentration
Assay type
Razor clams
Domoic Acid
DA eq
Dungeness crab
Domoic Acid
DA eq
Kit used:
Type of kit used:
Additional information:
Toxin assays done by U.S. Food and Drug Administration and National Marine Fisheries Service using acid or methanol extraction followed by HPLC (same method used in Canadian studies)
Economic losses:
Management decision:
Closure of commercial and recreational harvest of razor clams on Oregon/Washington beaches;
closed commmercial fishery for Dungeness crabs from northern California to northern Washington for nearly a month;
spring, 1992, recreational harvest for razor
Additional harmful effect information:
Razor clams are still toxic in mid-March 1992 with domoic acid levels of 30-60 ppm (regulatory closure level is 20 ppm); most toxin was found in the edible parts of the clams rather than in the viscera, but in crabs, most toxin was found in the viscera wi