CL-16-001 |
2016 |
Seno Reloncavi and Chiloe Island (Los Lagos, Chile) |
CL-09-002 |
2009 |
(Chile) |
CL-17-001 |
2017 |
Golfo de Penas (Aysen, Chile) |
CL-88-001 |
1988 |
Seno Reloncavi and Chiloe Island (Los Lagos, Chile) |
CL-00-001 |
2000 |
Seno Reloncavi and Chiloe Island (Los Lagos, Chile) |
CL-10-001 |
2010 |
Isla James (Aysen, Chile) |
CL-89-001 |
1989 |
Castro, Lemuy, Yal and Cailin in Chiloé Island (Los Lagos, Chile) |
CL-93-001 |
1993 |
Castro, Lemuy and Caicaén Channel in Chiloé island. (Chile) |
CL-94-001 |
1994 |
Coldita island and Cailín. (Los Lagos, Chile) |
CL-09-003 |
2009 |
Linguar-Seno Reloncaví (Los Lagos, Chile) |
CL-83-001 |
1983 |
Seno Reloncaví (Los Lagos, Chile) |
CL-04-001 |
2004 |
Seno Reloncaví (Los Lagos, Chile) |
CL-11-001 |
2011 |
Isla Cabras-Seno Reloncaví (Los Lagos, Chile) |
CL-05-001 |
2005 |
Seno Reloncaví (Los Lagos, Chile) |
CL-08-001 |
2008 |
Lamalec Island- Guaitecas Archipelago (Aysén, Chile) |
CL-17-002 |
2017 |
Estero Cordova (Magallanes, Chile) |
CL-10-002 |
2010 |
North Chiloé and Calbuco (Los Lagos, Chile) |
CL-14-001 |
2014 |
Aysén Fjord (Aysén, Chile) |
CL-95-003 |
1995 |
Isla Toto (Aysen, Chile) |
CL-06-002 |
2006 |
Bahia Inglesia (Atacama, Chile) |