US-09-005 |
2009 |
Chesapeake Bay (Pokomoke Sound, United States) |
US-09-006 |
2009 |
lower Chesapeake Bay (Chesapeake Bay, United States) |
US-09-007 |
2009 |
Potomac River (Virginia, United States) |
US-09-008 |
2009 |
York River (Virginia, United States) |
US-09-015 |
2009 |
Suffolk County, New York (South Shore of Long Island, United States) |
US-09-016 |
2009 |
York River (Virginia, United States) |
US-09-017 |
2009 |
Chesapeake Bay Estuary (Virginia, United States) |
FR-09-002 |
2009 |
FR-01 - (France) |
FR-09-003 |
2009 |
FR-01 - 007 - Baie de Somme (France) |
FR-09-004 |
2009 |
FR-02 - 009 - Pays de Caux Sud (France) |
FR-09-005 |
2009 |
FR-03 - (France) |
FR-09-006 |
2009 |
FR-03 - (France) |
FR-09-030 |
2009 |
FR-04 - 022 - Arguenon - estuaire et large (France) |
NL-09-001 |
2009 |
Lake Grevelingen (Delta area, Netherlands) |
KR-09-001 |
2009 |
Gyeongnam provice (Namhae, Korea, Republic Of) |
FI-09-001 |
2009 |
Föglö (Åland archipelago, Baltic Sea, Finland) |
CN-09-002 |
2009 |
Taizhou (Zhejiang Province, China) |
CN-09-004 |
2009 |
Rizhao (Shandong Province, China) |
CN-09-006 |
2009 |
Zhoushan (Zhejiang Province, China) |
CN-09-008 |
2009 |
Yangtze River estuary and Zhoushan (China) |