TUR-96-006 |
1996 |
Sinop Bay (Black Sea, Turkey) |
TUR-96-007 |
1996 |
Sinop Bay (Black Sea, Turkey) |
TUR-96-008 |
1996 |
Sinop Bay (Black Sea, Turkey) |
TUR-96-009 |
1996 |
Sinop Bay (Black Sea, Turkey) |
TUR-96-010 |
1996 |
Sinop Bay (Black Sea, Turkey) |
TUR-96-011 |
1996 |
Sinop Bay (Black Sea, Turkey) |
TUR-96-012 |
1996 |
Sinop Bay (Black Sea, Turkey) |
EC-18-001 |
2018 |
Oceano Pacifico Ecuatorial Of Ecuador (Oceano Pacifico suedeste, Ecuador) |
EC-09-001 |
2009 |
Gulf of Guayaquil (Ecuador) |
NO-18-001 |
2018 |
Gjelet (Sogn, Norway) |
SV-12-002 |
2012 |
From La Perla to Puerto de La Libertad (La Libertad, El Salvador) |
VE-56-001 |
1956 |
Golfo de Paria (Estado Sucre, Venezuela) |
VE-67-001 |
1967 |
Guatapanare, La Esmeralda y Morro de Puerto Santo (Estado Sucre, Venezuela) |
VE-69-001 |
1969 |
Golfo de Cariaco (Estado Sucre, Venezuela) |
VE-69-002 |
1969 |
(Venezuela) |
VE-05-001 |
2005 |
La Iglesia y Bahía Patilla (Estado Sucre, Venezuela) |
VE-12-001 |
2012 |
Bahía de Juangriego (Nueva Esparta, Venezuela) |
VE-12-002 |
2012 |
Bahía de Juangriego (Nueva Esparta, Venezuela) |
VE-06-001 |
2006 |
Bahía Patilla, Lebranche y La Chica (Estado Sucre, Venezuela) |
VE-04-001 |
2004 |
Isla de Lobo, La Iglesia, Bahía Patilla y Playa Guiria (Estado Sucre, Venezuela) |