CA-11-015 |
2011 |
Upper Strait of Georgia (Pacific Region, Canada) |
CA-11-016 |
2011 |
Lower Strait of Georgia (Pacific Region, Canada) |
CA-11-018 |
2011 |
Upper Strait of Georgia (Pacific Region, Canada) |
CA-12-006 |
2012 |
Lower Stait of Georgia (Pacific Region, Canada) |
CA-05-063 |
2005 |
Gaspe (Quebec Region, Canada) |
CA-05-064 |
2005 |
Gaspe (Quebec Region, Canada) |
CA-91-012 |
1991 |
Upper Strait of Georgia. (Pacific Region, Canada) |
CA-92-013 |
1992 |
various locations in BC (Pacific Region, Canada) |
CA-92-014 |
1992 |
various locations in BC (Pacific Region, Canada) |
CA-96-008 |
1996 |
South coast St. Lawrence Estuary (Quebec Region, Canada) |
CA-15-011 |
2015 |
(Quebec, Canada) |
CA-16-002 |
2016 |
Strait of Georgia and surrounding inlets (West Coast Canada, Canada) |
CA-16-008 |
2016 |
(Quebec Region, Canada) |
CA-87-008 |
1987 |
south coast of St. Lawrence Estuary (Quebec, Canada) |
CA-02-023 |
2002 |
Hare Bay, Chimney Bay, St. Lunaire (Newfoundland, Canada) |
CA-16-023 |
2016 |
Strait of Georgia (West Coast Canada, Canada) |
CA-03-036 |
2003 |
West Point to Seal Point (PEI, Canada) |
CA-05-026 |
2005 |
Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence (Province of Quebec, Eastern Canada, Canada) |
CA-19-007 |
2019 |
Clayoquot Sound, west Vancouver Island (Pacific Canada, Canada) |
CA-21-004 |
2021 |
Shubenacadie River Grand Lake watershed (Nova Scotia, Canada) |