CA-90-009 |
1990 |
Eastern Prince Edward Island (Gulf Region, Canada) |
CA-03-036 |
2003 |
West Point to Seal Point (PEI, Canada) |
CA-02-023 |
2002 |
Hare Bay, Chimney Bay, St. Lunaire (Newfoundland, Canada) |
US-98-040 |
1998 |
(United States) |
US-88-001 |
1988 |
Cobscook Bay and Easport (Maine, United States) |
US-88-002 |
1988 |
Maquoit Bay, Brunswick (Maine, United States) |
US-88-003 |
1988 |
Massachusetts, New Hampshire (Maine, United States) |
US-88-004 |
1988 |
Great South Bay, long Island, N.Y., Peconic Bay System, long Island, N.Y. (United States) |
US-88-007 |
1988 |
Raritan Bay - Sandy Hook Bay, southern half. (United States) |
US-88-008 |
1988 |
Raritan Bay and entire coast of New Jersey, from beach to a few miles off. (United States) |
US-88-009 |
1988 |
Barnegat Bay, New Jersey (United States) |
US-88-012 |
1988 |
Santa Monica Bay, Santa Monica (California, United States) |
US-88-013 |
1988 |
Drakes Estero Area 17 and Drakes Bay, Marin County, California (United States) |
US-15-022 |
2015 |
Western Maine and Eastern Maine (Maine, United States) |
US-17-023 |
2017 |
Raritan/Sandy Hook Bay (NJ, United States) |
US-19-011 |
2019 |
Maine Coastline (United States) |
US-20-012 |
2020 |
Hampton/Seabrook Harbor (New Hampshire, United States) |
US-77-001 |
1977 |
Nauset Estuary Orleans and Eastham, MA (Cape Cod, United States) |
US-16-008 |
2016 |
Lower Narragansett Bay, RI (RI, United States) |
US-16-030 |
2016 |
Buzzards Bay, Nantuckey Sound ++ (MA, United States) |