CA-98-009 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
1998 |
Constance Lake (Canada) |
CU-13-001 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2013 |
Cienfuegos Bay (Cuba) |
CU-80-001 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
1980 |
Havana (Cuba) |
CN-04-001 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2004 |
(China) |
UG-07-001 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2007 |
Lake Victoria (Uganda) |
UG-07-003 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2007 |
Lake Saka (Uganda) |
SE-18-004 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2018 |
Baltic Proper and Bothnian Sea (Baltic Sea, Sweden) |
SE-18-005 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2018 |
Kattegat (Sweden) |
UY-16-007 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2016 |
Rio Uruguay hasta Atlantida (Uruguay) |
MDG-19-001 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2019 |
(Madagascar) |
UY-17-003 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2017 |
Montevideo (Rio de la Plata, Uruguay) |
PL-18-001 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2018 |
Gulf of Gdańsk (Southern Baltic, Poland) |
PL-18-002 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2018 |
Gulf of Gdańsk (Southern Baltic, Poland) |
FI-97-001 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
1997 |
Gulf of Finland (Finland) |
FI-18-001 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2018 |
Gulf of Finland, Archipelago Sea, Åland Sea (Baltic Sea, Finland) |
UG-98-001 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
1998 |
Lake Tanganyika (Uganda) |
UG-11-001 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2011 |
Lake Saka (Uganda) |
PL-19-001 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2019 |
Gulf of Gdansk (Southern Baltic, Poland) |
US-19-023 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2019 |
Mississippi coastal beaches (United States) |
US-07-025 |
Cyanobacterial toxins effects |
2007 |
Monterey Bay, CA (United States) |