DE-00-001 |
2000 |
North Sea, north west and north of the Island (North of North Frisian Islands, Schleswig-Hol, Germany) |
ES-00-001 |
2000 |
Sant Carles Harbour. (Catalonia, NE Spain., Spain) |
EE-00-001 |
2000 |
Baltic Sea (Western Gulf of Finland, Estonia) |
DE-00-002 |
2000 |
North Sea. East Frisian Islands. (Lower Saxony., Germany) |
DE-00-003 |
2000 |
German Bight. (North Sea., Germany) |
DE-00-004 |
2000 |
Baltic Sea. (Baltic Sea., Germany) |
CA-00-006 |
2000 |
Lower West coast of Vancouver Island (Pacific Region, Canada) |
LV-00-001 |
2000 |
Eastern part of the Gulf of Riga. (Gulf of Riga, Latvia., Latvia) |
LV-00-002 |
2000 |
Wstern part of the Gulf of Riga (Gulf of Riga, Latvia., Latvia) |
NL-00-001 |
2000 |
Binnenshelde. (Netherlands., Netherlands) |
ES-00-002 |
2000 |
Tarragona Harbour. (Catalonia, NE Spain., Spain) |
ES-00-003 |
2000 |
Sant Carles harbour. (Catalonia, NE Spain., Spain) |
ES-00-005 |
2000 |
La Fosca beach. (Catalonia, NE Spain., Spain) |
ES-00-020 |
2000 |
Fangar Bay. (Catalonia, NE Spain., Spain) |
FR-00-015 |
2000 |
FR-03 - 010 - Baie de Seine et Orne (France) |
FR-00-016 |
2000 |
FR-03 - (France) |
US-00-008 |
2000 |
Sabine and Calcasieu Lakes. (Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico., United States) |
US-00-009 |
2000 |
Coastal Louisiana. (Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico., United States) |
US-00-010 |
2000 |
Gulf of Mexico. (Louisiana., United States) |
US-00-011 |
2000 |
Mississippi Bight. (Mississippi, Gulf of Mexico., United States) |