US-07-008 |
2007 |
Terrebonne Bay, Gulf of Mexico (Louisiana, United States) |
US-07-009 |
2007 |
Atchafalaya River (Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico, United States) |
US-07-012 |
2007 |
Suffolk County, South Shore Estuary (New York, United States) |
US-07-016 |
2007 |
Matagorda Bay (Texas, United States) |
US-07-017 |
2007 |
Bolivar Peninsula, Texas and Mustang Island (Texas, United States) |
US-07-018 |
2007 |
Cgesaoeaje Vat (Virginia, United States) |
US-07-019 |
2007 |
James River estuarine cmoplex, Lower York R. (Chesapeake Bay, VA, United States) |
US-17-001 |
2017 |
Great South Bay, South Oyster Bay, Quantuck Bay, Moriches Bay, Shinnecock Bay, Moneybogue Bay, Hewlett Bay (8, United States) |
CA-15-010 |
2015 |
Quebec (Quebec Region, Canada) |
CA-16-009 |
2016 |
(Quebec Region, Canada) |
NZ-60-001 |
1860 |
Golden Bay (South Island, New Zealand) |
NZ-82-002 |
1982 |
Bay of Plenty (North Island, New Zealand) |
NZ-01-001 |
1901 |
Tasman and Golden Bay (South Island, New Zealand) |
NZ-92-001 |
1992 |
Big Glory Bay (South Island, New Zealand) |
NZ-87-001 |
1987 |
Akaroa (South Island, New Zealand) |
NZ-89-001 |
1989 |
Big Glory Bay (South Island, New Zealand) |
NZ-62-003 |
1962 |
Queen Charlotte Sound (South Island, New Zealand) |
NZ-62-002 |
1962 |
Tasman Bay (South Island, New Zealand) |
NZ-62-001 |
1962 |
Wesport (South Island, New Zealand) |
NZ-60-002 |
1960 |
Tasman Bay (South Island, New Zealand) |