US-16-026 |
2016 |
Mobjack Bay and York River (Chesapeake Bay, United States) |
US-16-027 |
2016 |
York River (Chesapeake Bay, United States) |
US-16-028 |
2016 |
Rappahannock River (Chesapeake Bay, United States) |
US-16-032 |
2016 |
Gunpowder River and Bird Rivers (MD, United States) |
US-18-032 |
2018 |
Great South Bay, South Oyster Bay, Quantuck Bay, Moriches Bay, Shinnecock Bay, Moneybogue Bay, Hewlett Bay (United States) |
US-89-007 |
1989 |
Nassau County, Long Island. (New York., United States) |
US-17-023 |
2017 |
Raritan/Sandy Hook Bay (NJ, United States) |
US-17-021 |
2017 |
Beach Haven West (NJ, United States) |
US-17-014 |
2017 |
empstead Harbor, NY; Forge River, NY (NY, United States) |
US-17-006 |
2017 |
Buzzards Bay, Nantucket Sound ++ (United States) |
US-02-018 |
2002 |
Colorado River in west Texas. (Texas, ASW., United States) |
US-02-019 |
2002 |
Virginia shoreline inlets and streams along t (Virginia., United States) |
US-15-022 |
2015 |
Western Maine and Eastern Maine (Maine, United States) |
US-16-005 |
2016 |
Tangier and Pocomoke Sounds, MD-VA border (Chesapeake Bay, United States) |
US-16-008 |
2016 |
Lower Narragansett Bay, RI (RI, United States) |
US-16-006 |
2016 |
DE-MD border to Ocean City Inlet (Maryland Atlantic Coast, United States) |
US-16-030 |
2016 |
Buzzards Bay, Nantuckey Sound ++ (MA, United States) |
US-15-007 |
2015 |
Northport Bay, NY; Cold Spring Harbor, NY (New York, United States) |
US-19-011 |
2019 |
Maine Coastline (United States) |
US-19-027 |
2019 |
Palmer Cove (Connecticut Coast, United States) |